Friday, December 7, 2012

How Bail Is Obtained

Police Bail. When a person is arrested by a law enforcer but it is not yet possible to press charges on him, he is released with a citation to appear before the courthouse on a specified date. When formal charges are served, the accused will then be required to apply for a conditional release from jail.

Court Bail. The application for a courthouse bail involves approval from two people: the judge or the registrar. If a person's application is not opposed by law enforcers, the latter provides approval. Otherwise, the judge is sought for when the police objects to a person's application.

Bail Approval Considerations:

The following are reviewed before a person is awarded an approval to be released from being detained:

Interference. This is the probability of a person's coming in contact with viable witnesses or evidence to the crime. The concepts of intimidation and eliminate pieces of evidence are classified under this.

Flight and crime risks. The former means the chances of a person's fleeing and not showing up in court while the latter deals with the likelihood of a person committing a crime while on conditional release.

The crime. The seriousness of the crime committed plays a major role in bail approval. In reverse, a person's ability to be able to prepare defensive evidence is looked into. In addition, the nature of the punishment after the verdict is also projected as well as the strength of the case built around a person.

Character. A person's previous criminal records can affect the outcome of bail application.

If a person is considering bail bonds, the following options are representative of the actions he can take:

Finding a bondsman. Bondsmans are legal services providers who take steps at helping a client pay a cash bond. They work with credit providers like insurance companies, banks, and creditors. Finding them is easy as they are established as a business catering to bail provision. They may also be lawyers who can represent people in the courthouse.

Seeking collateral. If cash is short and a bondsman is not preferred, a person may consider using his properties as a surety in a type called property bond.

On both of the aforementioned, a medium of security is involved. The only difference is, securing a bondsman to help an accused person involves fees which affect the amount of money the latter will need to pay. On the other hand, using one's property entails the risk of loss when the conditions of the temporary release are violated. It is essential for people who are under some type of bond to adhere to the prescriptions of the courthouse in this case.

How to Find the Right Criminal Lawyer

Nobody wants to be in a position where you would need to get a criminal lawyer to defend you or a loved one in court, but what do you do in case it happens? Do you just go for the first lawyer that you come across? That is not likely to be a wise move on your part.

Lawyers are just like doctors. They also have their own fields of specialization. That's the part of law that they have focused and spent much of their time on.

What you need to find are lawyers who have focused on criminal law more than anything else. So how do you go about finding the right one? Here are some ideas:

1. Specialization is the name of the game. It means that for criminal lawyers, there are also some specializations within them that lawyers can delve into. What you need therefore is to find someone who has considerable experience and knowledge in the particular field of criminal law that you are concerned.

2. You should think twice before settling for a public defender, because on the average they have more cases than what is recommended by law experts as advisable to be handled. If you have the money to spend you should try to get your own lawyer. It could be your freedom that would be at stake.

3. Decide on the kind of qualities that you would like to find in your lawyer. Do you want someone with an extensive experience, but is quite too busy to become too involved in your case? Would you rather prefer someone who is less experienced, but is very hardworking?

4. Go for personal referrals from people that you know. They might know of a good criminal lawyer who can help you out. Personal referrals are still the best way to go in finding some service that you need.

5. Find out if they belong to any group of criminal lawyers. Affiliation to regional and national groups of criminal lawyers is a good indication that someone is really into criminal law.

6. If you want to determine how a lawyer stands in the estimation of his colleagues, then you should try to find out if they have ever held any office in any of the lawyer groups to which they belong. Holding an office is a good indication that they are competent in their field.

7. Don't fall for ads and the claims that they have there. They would put anything there to get you in. The best thing is for you to meet or talk with a lawyer personally so you can decide if he really has what it takes.

8. Find out if the lawyer has taught at a reputable law school. Teaching law is one of the marks that a lawyer is really something.

9. Find out about their rates. A lawyer might be good and all, but you might not be able to afford them.

These are just some of the more important things that you need to look for in a criminal lawyer.

How the Legal System Stiffs Taxpayers

On behalf of taxpayers who fund the legal system, crime/court reporters and legal analysts should keep in mind:

• Justice Russell Fox, who researched the law for 11 years after he retired, said justice means fairness; fairness and morality require a search for the truth, otherwise the wrong side may win; truth means reality, what actually happened.

• The adversary system in common law countries - Britain and its onetime colonies - does not search for the truth. In a majority of criminal trials, the wrong side wins.

Nonetheless, most common lawyers insist that their system is the best. But how could they know? Universities are supposed to be truth-seeking institutions, but law schools generally teach only what the law IS, not what ails it, or the cure (let alone its origins, or how the truth-seeking [inquisitorial] system works).

If veterinary and medical schools operated like that, a lot of cats, dogs and people would be seriously unwell, or worse.

Yale law professor Fred Rodell said the adversary system is "nothing but a high-class racket". His assertion can be tested by comparing an inquisitorial system with ours. In France, for example:

• Trained judges are in charge of evidence. On a fixed wage, they have no incentive to spin the process out. Most hearings take a day or so.

• Evidence is not concealed, and judges do not let lawyers question witnesses directly lest they pollute the truth with sophistry: trick questions, false arguments etc.

• The innocent are rarely charged, let alone convicted.

• Judges and jurors sitting together convict 95% of guilty defendants.

In the adversary system:

• Lawyers trained in sophistry control evidence, and have an incentive - $5 plus a minute - to prolong the process; the record spin-out is 117 years. Lawyers for white collar criminals, e.g. tax evaders, can run regulators round the courts for years. Trials can take months.

• Untrained judges do the decent thing: they try to stay awake. Lord Thankerton's solution infuriated lawyers; he knitted on the Bench.

• Judge-made rules conceal evidence, and lawyers for both sides are allowed to use sophistry to make honest witnesses look unreliable.

• Criminal law is unfair to victims; more than half (84% in India) guilty defendants get off, but at least 1% of people in prison (4%+ in the US) are innocent.

• Civil law is unfair to people in business and industry, doctors, and (outside the US) journalists. Litigation is a lottery; appeal courts a casino.

It looks as if Professor Rodell was right about the racket, and taxpayers are suspicious, perhaps without knowing exactly why:

• An Australian poll in 2011 found that judges are less trusted than bus drivers, police, hairdressers, and chefs.

• A 2012 US poll on attitudes to the civil system found that 92% want change, and 41% want fundamental change.

Justice Russell Fox also said the public knows that "justice marches with the truth". That means:

• Common lawyers, including lawyer-politicians, judges, academics, and legal bureaucrats, are the only people on the planet who believe, or purport to believe, that you can dispense justice without knowing all the facts.

• The humblest citizen instinctively has a better sense of justice than any judge, including those on the US Supreme Court.

• Informed voters will support the obvious remedy: change to a truth-seeking system.

Unfortunately, lawyers became the "dominant influence" in the British Parliament in the middle of the 14th century, and effectively remain an oligarchy in most English speaking legislatures: they are about 0.2% of the population, but 60% of the US Senate.

Lawyer-politicians have thus had the power to block fundamental change for more than six centuries. The remedy for that problem - voting the oligarchs out, however sweet they may otherwise be - is also obvious, but it will take a few more years.

Penalties For DUI in Mississippi

Mississippi's driving under the influence law is laid out in Title 63, Chapter 11, Part 30 of the Mississippi Code. It states that: It is unlawful for any person to drive or otherwise operate a vehicle within this state who (a) is under the influence of intoxicating liquor; (b) is under the influence of any other substance which has impaired such person's ability to operate a motor vehicle; (c) has an alcohol concentration of eight one-hundredths percent (.08%) or more for persons who are above the legal age to purchase alcoholic beverages under state law.

What "under the influence" and "intoxicated" exactly means can be relative and subjective. Notice that the statute criminalizes being under the influence of an intoxicating liquor, or having an alcohol concentration of eight one-hundredths percent or more (.08%). It can be either one. There is no scientific, numbers-based measure of "under the influence." It can essentially just be someone's opinion.

Under subsection (2) of Mississippi Code 63-11-30, the penalties for a first offense DUI include a fine between $250 and $1000, and/or 48 hours in jail. The court may substitute attendance at a victim impact panel for the jail sentence. There is a minimum 90-day driver's license suspension, which could go up to one year. A Mississippi DUI attorney can review the case to see what possible defenses can be used, and what the likely outcome will be if you are convicted.

Mississippi does not have a restricted driver's license program like some states. If your license is suspended, it is suspended, period. However, some offenders may be able to reduce the suspension period to 30 days. This option will not be available to individuals who refused to submit to a blood or breath alcohol test. In order to get a reduction, you must show that a license suspension would result in a hardship toward work, school, or medical care. A Mississippi DUI lawyer can work for the lowest suspension possible if you're convicted of driving under the influence.

If a second offense DUI occurs within five years of the first, the defendant will be sentenced from five days up to 1 year in jail, and ordered to pay a fine between $600 and $1,500. Their license will be suspended for two years, and he or she may be ordered to install an ignition interlock device on the vehicle.

Mississippi DUI convictions cannot be expunged or sealed, even for first-time offenders. Some first-offense misdemeanor convictions can be removed from a person's record, but not driving under the influence. A Mississippi DUI is considered a traffic violation, and state law excludes these types of offenses from expungement.

Documents Needed to Complete an Alcohol and Drug Assessment in a DUI Case

If you have been arrested for a DUI offense then your attorney may ask you to complete an alcohol and drug assessment. This assessment is probably the most important thing a defendant can do to help their attorney negotiate the case with the Prosecution.

In order to complete the assessment the treatment agency needs several documents. Typically these documents are in the custody of the attorney and will be provided to the treatment agency. However if the attorney does not have the necessary documents then the client will have to get the necessary paperwork to complete the assessment. Below is a list of the documents needed and why?

Copy of police report: This is pretty self explanatory. If you're doing an alcohol and drug assessment due to a DUI arrest, then the treatment agency needs to see why you were arrested. They will review the police report in its entirety. Make notes on physical observations made by the arresting officer. Determine whether there are any signs of substance abuse or dependence based on an account of the incident.

Copy of driving abstract: In very rare cases an individual may be arrested for a DUI, but never charged. Typically with a DUI arrest the Department of Licensing will take some kind of administrative action against the drivers license. Treatment agencies understand this, and they want to see your driving record because of it.

Copy of criminal history: Again this may seem pretty self explanatory. But in order to fully determine whether a person has a substance abuse or dependence issue the treatment agency wants to look at the background of the client. That is they want to see if you have had any alcohol or drug related offenses in your history. If this is your first run in with the law then you have nothing to fear. But even if this is your first DUI, but you have a lengthy criminal history of drug and other alcohol related offenses the treatment agency may see a pattern of behavior.

The results of the breath or blood test: Lastly a treatment agency will want to review the breath or blood test results. They want to see what happened, whether the observations made by the officer and your self report of alcohol consumed is consistent with the breath or blood test results.

As stated above many of these documents are in the custody of the attorney. But in order for a Judge to find the assessment has been completed properly the treatment agency must review them. If the attorney does not have all of these documents then the client will have to figure out a way to obtain them in order to complete the assessment.

Criminal Penalties for Mail Fraud

Mail fraud involves a material deception with an intention to defraud and hence deprive another person or business of either honest services or property. Mail Fraud is a federal crime and vigorously investigated and pursued by the FBI. Mail fraud is also the most frequent charge in white collar criminal cases filed by the United States Attorney.

To be criminally penalized for mail fraud, the crime must consist of these elements:

Devising a scheme to defraud or perform fraudulent acts Intent to defraud, deprive another of property or honest services Involved a material deception Mailing a letter or material substance by use of the United States Postal Service (USPS), private or commercial mail carrier to execute or attempt to execute the scheme

Intent to Defraud

There is a difference between an intent to deceive and an intent to defraud recognized by the courts. Many times marketing campaigns or sales solicitation may engage in some trickery but the product or service offered is legitimate. When the marketing material is intended to acquire new customers and get clients to buy a legitimate product or service, and with no intent to cause damage then there is no intent to defraud.

Mail fraud is congruous to wire fraud as the laws mirror each other. Wire and mail fraud laws basically outlaw dishonesty, more specifically the intentional use of dishonesty to deprive another of either honest services or property. The only difference is the means of communication used, mail or wire, in advancing the scheme to defraud another. Mailing, as well as wiring, does not have to be the essential element of the fraudulent act; it can merely be incidental to an essential element of the scheme. Even if you have not personally mailed the communication, if you caused the mailing in some way you may be charged with mail fraud.

Mail fraud usually occurs with violations of other federal crimes and thus a defendant may be charged with additional crimes and face other penalties. Money laundering and racketeering is characteristic of mail fraud.

When being investigated or charged for mail fraud it is best to consult with an experienced criminal defense lawyer, as mail fraud can lead to significantly higher penalties, especially if more criminal charges are added. It is much easier for criminal defense lawyers to prevent charges from being filed than it is to get charges dismissed and thus the sooner you get an attorney the better. In federal courts, rarely do charges get dismissed, only 7% according to the U.S. Department of Justice (2000) Report, "Defense Counsel in Criminal Cases." The report also states that of the defendants found guilty, the defendants who had either public defenders or free court-appointed attorneys had significantly higher incarceration rates than the defendants with private criminal lawyers in both state and federal courts. In other words, defendants with public defenders or free court-appointed attorneys were sentenced to prison more.

Criminal Penalties for Mail Fraud are:

Imprisonment of 20 years or 30 years, if the crime was committed against a financial institution or in the context of an emergency or major disaster. If the convicted person has a prior criminal record or aggravating circumstances the penalties are more severe, including longer imprisonment sentences. Fine of $250,000 or $500,000 if the crime was committed by an organization. Fine of $1,000,000 if the crime was committed in relation to a natural disaster or against a financial institution. Restitution paid back to victims, which includes anyone directly harmed through the course of the fraudulent act. Forfeiture of property. Special assessment fee of $100. Probation or supervised release after imprisonment.

Federal Sentencing Guidelines and Penalties for Mail Fraud

The federal sentencing guidelines are used by the federal courts to determine the criminal penalty of a federal crime. It is a sentencing guide based on different offense levels in an attempt to standardize the length of imprisonment. Each federal crime is assigned with a base offense level grade, and thus a base penalty, which may include imprisonment, probation and fines. When a person is convicted of a federal offense, such as mail fraud, offense levels are subtracted or added according to the prior criminal record and any mitigating or aggravating circumstances.

If the mail fraud involved the corruption of a public official the penalty is more severe. There are also enhancements, which are harsher penalties, based on greater amounts of losses due to the fraud.


When convicted of mail fraud restitution is usually required. Restitution paid back to all victims involved also includes victims that are directly, or of close proximity, harmed as a result of the mail fraud.

Forfeiture of Property

All property gained from the fraudulent act is subject to forfeiture, that is confiscation by the United States. The confiscated property may be pursued by either criminal forfeiture or civil forfeiture procedures. The main difference between the types of forfeiture is the defendant in the case. The property itself is the victim in civil forfeiture proceedings. The property owner is the defendant in criminal forfeiture proceedings as a component of the prosecution, if convicted.

Supervised Release after Imprisonment

The Federal Sentencing Guidelines recommends supervised release for all felony cases. Supervised release is like parole and is imposed after the time in prison has been served. For mail fraud the term for supervised release is three to five years. During supervised release three conditions must be complied with: no new crimes committed; DNA sample taken; and periodic drug testing to be performed. The third condition is not required, but it may be enforced even if the defendant has no known history of drug abuse.


If a defendant served less than 25 years in prison, the sentencing court may impose a probation term of 1 to 5 years.

Additional Federal Criminal Penalties

Wire or mail fraud is often co-occurring with other federal criminal offenses. Most commonly it predicates money laundering and racketeering which carries additional penalties. If the mail fraud is associated with a criminal enterprise, the defendant may also be subject to Racketeering and Influenced and Corrupt Organization (RICO) violations. If the defendant participated in the operation or management of the enterprise itself or acted under the direction of upper management then the defendant is generally regarded as being associated with a criminal enterprise. To be convicted of RICO there must be a pattern of "continuity plus relationship." RICO violations carry a prison term of 20 years and a $250,000 fine, and a $500,000 fine for an organization. If convicted of a RICO violation, victims may also sue for treble damages in a civil law suit when injured in their business or property.

A money laundering violation may also be charged if a financial transaction involved the proceeds of an unlawful activity, such as money gained from the mail fraud and laundered. Money laundering is punishable by imprisonment of 20 years and $500,000 fine. Property associated with the transaction is also subject to criminal and civil forfeiture.

Criminal Penalties for Mail Fraud against the United States

If the defendant knowingly committed mail fraud against an agency of the United States, the term for imprisonment is 5 years and a $250,000 fine, and restitution must be paid. The fine is $500,000 if the defendant is an organization.

Criminal Background Checks For Anyone To Do

U.S. Criminal Background Checks and Arrest Records

Criminal records are public reports that detail a person's arrests and convictions. Usually, the details within criminal arrest records are non-expunged violations and arrests. These include things like moving traffic violations which have been put through a criminal court.

Anyone is able to search for criminal history nationwide. You can lookup arrest records and search criminal records via several different means. These include the county sheriff's website, an official government site and of course a third party provider that will provide you with background checks.

The United States and Criminal Records

In the United States, these documents are for the public record. These are documents owned by the government which are recorded, written or filed by a law enforcement member, or a court clerk. These records are for the public and can be found at all levels of government. This includes local, state and federal levels as well.

Regional sheriff offices, police departments and things like specialized law enforcement groups are going to usually have internal databases of their own. At the state level troopers, highway patrol, state policy and other agencies are going to be managing their own databases. These organizations will usually share the record with other specialists and the details are then there for the public to view.

Federal laws make it easy to access record of the crimes that registered sex offenders will have committed. This law ensures that regular electronic registries are also maintained. The general public can also access the national sex offender registry if it wishes to gain information regarding sex offenders.

"Statewide repositories" contain the background data of criminals which various municipal and regional courts will provide within a state.

Juvenile Records

There is a difference in the handling of juvenile records as opposed to adult ones. A lot of these are unavailable to the general public once the individual in question turns eighteen. There will of course be exceptions to this policy, although it depends on the crime itself. An example would be if a minor is convicted of a sex offense. The crime entered will be seen as an ordinary adult offense. This will not be sealed when they turn eighteen.

Public Access

In the USA journalists, offender researchers, private detectives and many other parties are able to check the public records and criminal records. They can take a look at federal and local records via an individual's name and his or her date of birth. Searches are performed at the request of the county clerk.

How to Lookup Criminal Arrest Records for Any State

Millions of people across the country are responsible for committing various crimes and many of them have never had to pay the price for their activity. Statistics show that even those who have been arrested are likely to commit crimes in the future. The average recidivism rate is approximately 3% for individuals released within the past three years and as high as 15% for criminals still on probation or parole. Many people wonder if there is a way to identify those individuals and lookup arrest records.

Public arrest records for people who have been in trouble with the law are readily available. Individuals can search a variety of other categories, including inmate rosters, arrest records, sex offender lists and police records but public arrest records are the most popular when people need a way to run a criminal violation check on someone.

Criminal arrest records are public even though they may contain confidential information. Anyone who uses proper channels can access someone's public criminal records. With a valid residential address, individuals can request this information from the local police. Certain state agencies can also provide this information upon request. Individuals can pick up the records in person or retrieve them by mail, fax, telephone or online. Many commercial record providers offer this information for a fee.

Public arrest records contain a variety of information including personal data about the subject, crime details, including the location of the crime and the date, the type of case and its record number, photos, information about the sentence, the agency that performed the arrest and more. All criminal violations are available except those that occurred in a different state.

The state government has jurisdiction over criminal arrest records. This means that access and methods for requesting copies of the records varies depending on the state. Each state has its own laws covering access to records and rules for proper use by recipients after they obtain them. There is no link between records in different states. Individuals must make separate requests in each state to obtain any additional information.

Public arrest records are useful for a variety of situations. Employers may obtain them to screen job applicants but they are also useful for assessing social volunteers, checking the background of colleagues, friends, tenants and relatives or for legal purposes and police investigations. There are laws that offer protection and restrict access for purposes of discrimination, so individuals seeking this information should contact the authorities to understand the laws regarding proper use and access.

Individuals seeking this type of information can find public arrest records and other court records through government agencies that provide free records to people who request them. The processes available through these agencies are complicated and have long waiting periods before the records are available. Individuals who would rather not wait and go through the trouble of filling out the paperwork can obtain the records from an information broker or background check service for a fee. The cost is typically worth it because the process is more convenient and less time consuming.

Government Contracts Law Firm - Helping Understand Complexity

When looking at government contracts law firm options for your business needs, you'll want to look into a variety of things to ensure that you're hiring the best. Some firms only work on one aspect of government contracting and leave the consumer out in the cold when it comes to others. It's important to have services that place you as a priority and not just a case number that gets little to no attention. Don't get lost amidst a large firm that only cares about the bottom line, make sure that you seek out a company that has a long standing reputation of helping people with their contract translation needs. Consider the following 3 things you should look for in a high quality firm.

Client Benefits - The first thing to look for is client benefits that are in line with what you and your business needs. You'll want to make sure that these services are outlined and clear before you invest any money in hiring them. If you don't spend the proper time analyzing the benefits that you will receive, you might end up with a firm that is not necessarily a good one for what you require. Make sure that you get flexible sites, and attorneys and consultants work as team members with your business as well as have a clear understanding of the type of business you're involved with.

Variety of Industry Knowledge - There are a lot of industries that get government contracts, and many of them aren't what you think. Among the top industries that are contracted out, some of them have very strict contractual obligations that go beyond wages and deliverables. When it comes to explaining these clauses, it's important for a business to fully be explained the issues before signing any documents or moving forward. This is where a government contracts law firm can really shine, with having lawyers in every industry type and having a full grasp of how contract rhetoric is formulated and implemented within any style of business.

Litigation and Appeals - This is something that most people don't look for until something goes awry with their contract. Whether there's a breech or a disagreement on the final costs versus price paid, it's important to have someone that will fight for your case. When there is an issue that comes up, get a firm that knows what to do to make sure you get everything that is coming to you in terms of compensation.

The above 3 things to look for in a law firm are just a sampling of the things you'll need to move forward. Without the above, the company you're looking at will not be worth your hard earned money.

Alcohol Breathalyzers - Check Your BAC Precisely!

Consuming an excessive amount of alcohol has become a dilemma these days and youngsters are also getting involved in this bad habit. To evade this issue, American Government and other countries are working very hard to spread awareness among people. There are different rules and laws that have been imposed by different Governments to minimize the drastic outcomes of consuming alcohol. Besides other methods and rules, Alcohol Breathalyzers are also doing a great job in market.

According to a generic survey, thousands of people are arrested on daily basis because of consuming alcohol and driving under the influence. Not only driving, people also end up in fighting, beating and mugged by goons after getting drunk and leaving their house unconsciously. To evade such type of issues, scientists have invented a breathalyzer because this device is the ultimate solution of keeping people away from risks and life-taking incidents. Below, I am going to share some exclusive benefits of breathalyzers so that you can get an idea of their importance.

Breathalyzer in Simple Words:

"It is a small handy device that measures the content of alcohol in blood via measuring it from the suspect's breath."

This is the simplest definition or explanation of a breathalyzer for those who are new to this device and its benefits. There was a time when people used to get arrested on daily basis under the law of DUI or DWI on highways. To evade this pulling-over issue, alcohol breathalyzers were introduced to help people by staying sober or alarmed after getting drunk.

Handy & Efficient To Operate:

This small device has been designed in a way that everyone can use it to inspect his or her BAC. These gadgets are easy to handle, portable and, they are designed in a way to bear rough and tough field conditions.

It is very easy to use this device and a guide is provided along with mouth-pieces to check your BAC. You can have it in your pocket, car or at home for easy access. After getting drunk, all you need is to blow your breath in this device and it will automatically measure your BAC within seconds. The best part of this device is its precise and quick results that can be displayed on the LCD within few seconds.

Using alcohol breathalyzers is a non-invasive precise way of examining your BAC. Anyone can use it except organizations and Police. In fact, the use of this device has become quite common among alcoholics because they can keep a track on their BAC to evade life taking incidents. So, feel free to have a breathalyzer in your car, home, office or any working place because life is important than anything. Feel free to follow the links below because you can get valuable information on buying and using breathalyzers.

Flopping: The New Trend in Mortgage Fraud

When most people hear the word "flopping," they might think of the act of faking a foul in basketball. Flopping is now being used to describe a new phenomenon in which people are committing mortgage fraud across the nation. People are alleged of committing mortgage fraud for a number of different reasons. Those convicted of the crime are believed to have concealed information about their mortgage or home in order to avoid financial losses. In the case of flopping, homeowners are actually attempting to get the lowest possible offer for their homes, but why?

Many people are actually in such a poor state with their mortgage that they actually want a short sale. A short sale is when a lender sells a property in order to put the profit toward forgiving the owner's outstanding balance. This still doesn't exactly explain why a homeowner would want to ruin their home. The scheme goes further. A homeowner, in the case of flopping, typically has an accomplice that is prepared to purchase their home for a low price for the purpose of quickly flipping it back to good enough quality to make a profit on a sale.

Short sales might be investigated if they seem suspicious. There are a number of "red flags" that could trigger an investigation over the possibility of flopping. For example, homes that are short sold for an extremely low price and then flipped the same day would seem incredibly suspicious. An investigation would likely look into any possible relationship or connection between the buyer and the seller. According to one source, those who "flop" their homes typically make a 34 percent gain.

Short sales are not in short supply by any means. This means that floppers can be difficult to detect. The whole point of a floppers tactics is to deter buyers from the home at all. By keeping potential buyers at bay, the accomplices then can quickly purchase the home to flip it for a quick profit. Flopping may also be difficult to discover because many home buyers conceal their identify by purchasing short sold homes under the banner of a limited liability company.

This type of practice is being called outright robbery, but many honest Americans might be wrongly accused of mortgage fraud. If this describes you or someone you know, it is important to contact a federal crimes attorney in your area. Fraud is a serious allegation that must be combatted with a skilled defender on your side.

Bail Bonds Cost - How Much Does It Cost?

There are so many things that are factored into the cost of bail bonds. These may include the amount to be paid in bailing the defendant, the particular area he is residing, deciding whether to use an agent or not, or whether or not you are taking out a loan to pay the fee. These factors will either increase the overall bailing fee or decrease it.

Using an Agent for bail bonds

If you have opted to use an agent, then you will be charged for the service. Usually, the fee will be determined by the amount the person is being bailed. So, an agent might collect around 10 to 20% of the bond fee. The fee is for services rendered to secure the bond and representing the defendant in the judicial proceedings. This rate will vary from state to state as each state might set its own percentage.

There are other charges that are included in the bail bonds. There is a 10 dollar nonrefundable fee charged by the sheriff. Also the insurance firm will collect about $30 for underwriting your bond through the agent. These charges are separate from the initial 15% fee you are expected to pay for the service.

But if one is funding the bailing amount in another way rather than direct payments, he won't be paying the insurance fee but still needs to pay the 10 dollar sheriff's fee. If you prefer to fund the bailing amount with credit card, you are likely to pay any charges on the amount.

If the defendant does not appear in court, he might lose all the money he has previously deposited with the court. This will to a large extent increase the overall cost of the bond.

This can be prevented if the agent and the defendant work together in order be compliant In a situation where the defendant disappears and requires the apprehension of the bondsman, you will bear the cost the bondsman will incur in trying to local and bring the defendant back.

Return of Collateral or the Bail Money

If the defendant adheres to the requirements of the court and is present in court for the proceedings, the collateral or bond money you paid to the bondsman or the court will be returned back after the case has been concluded. But this will not include all the non-refundable fees that have been mentioned above.

The Importance of Law Enforcement Officers Wearing Sunglasses While on Duty

Even though law enforcement officers may wear sunglasses as a fashion accessory while on duty, they have become a very important item needed in order to protect their eyes as they are out on the streets performing their day-to-day duties. There is a great need to wear sunglasses while on duty in order to protect against the depletion of the ozone layer that has put the health and welfare of the world's population at risk. It is very important for officers to find the right type of sunglasses in order to protect from harmful ultraviolet radiation as they are exposed to the sun day after day.

Some of the most popular sunglasses that would provide great protection for law enforcement officers are the Bolle Anaconda sunglasses. They have a wrap-around style with high performance polycarbonate lenses with non-slip Thermogrip temples and nose pads. They have neutral density gray polarized lenses with a shiny black nylon frame. They are a great choice for protecting your eyes with 100 percent UVA and UVB protection. They also contain spring hinges.

Some of the other great choices for law enforcement officers which are Bolle sunglasses are the Bolle Performance sunglasses which have a shiny white frame and TNS fire lenses or the Bolle Performance sunglasses which have a red frame and TNS gun lenses. Another popular choice is the Bolle Sport Python sunglasses which have white and metallic red frames with TNS fire lenses.

Another great option of sunglasses for law enforcement officers that provides a great deal of protection for the eyes is the Serengeti Sport Nuvola sunglasses. The Serengeti Sport Nuvola sunglasses feature drivers' lenses that are ideal for driving because they enhance the colors and contrast while they lighten and darken to provide optimal light transmission in any condition. The lenses are also photochromic and are designed to constantly adjust to changing light conditions so that your eyes are free to stay focused on the road ahead. The advanced technology behind the Ph.D Polarization provides 98 percent polarization efficiency while automatically lightening and darkening to suit the conditions. All Serengeti lenses exceed government and commercial standards by blocking out virtually 100 percent of UVA and UVB rays as well as reducing stress on your eyes.

Even though sunglasses are not a required item of law enforcement equipment, they are definitely of great importance in order to protect law enforcement officers from having harmful damage to their eyes as they are out on the streets from day to day.

Government Contracts - You Need Help

When it comes to dealing with the government, often times the writing becomes something that is hard to understand. The common man will find the wording of many contracts quite difficult, and downright confusing. People of all walks of life have stated this time and time again, and there seems to be no end in sight. If you are dealing with any sort of government paperwork, and you need to get it properly defined in order to understand what to do next, it's important to look into a lawyer that can help you understand the papers.

For those that aren't familiar with getting help or even getting government contracts, you need to look into a variety of things. For instance, if you're a small business and you want to work with the government in any major capacity, you'll first have to comply with a long list of requirements. If you meet those requirements, you will then have to engage the process of becoming contracted. Once you have been accepted, you'll find that the wording within the contract will not be easy, and in many cases will be multiple pages that will have you scratching your head and wondering what it all means.

When you reach that level, it's important to ask for help, as you deserve to know what your rights are and what the terms of any given contract are. You'll find that the wording is very specific and meant to cover any incidents that can occur while a person is working with this large entity. If you're new at working with contracts of this nature, or you're not sure what your rights are a law firm can definitely help you out.

Let's say you find that you are in the middle of a contract and feel that there is a breech against you. You have a choice to either let it go, or confront the contract writer and make sure that you get paid your proper wages. Be careful though, because just like you can have someone infringe on your rights with breaking the terms, you too can instigate a breaking of terms if you don't fully understand the terms of any given paperwork that you sign.

All of the aforementioned is important to understand, because in these modern times you need help on your side, without help, you will be lost in a sea of heavy script and language that will only prove to be confusing.

Access DWI Arrest Records and Criminal Record Information

All DWI arrests and DWI records are all part of the public records system. Every county in the United States will give you access to this information at request. Unfortunately the government does not provide any central location which you can search DWI records from the entire United States. So if you want lookup any public DWI records then you will need to submit your request to the county that the DWI charge was filed in.

First you need to lookup the public records office for the county you want to obtain a DWI record from. You may be able to order online, but most often you will have to request these records by writing the county or visiting the court records office in person.

Unfortunately if you request DWI records by mail then you will have to wait to find out even if the record exists, so you need to be sure to fill out your request form with accurate information and send that into the right county. You can also drive down to the courts, but be early because sometimes there can be a line as most government centers have, especially in more populated areas.

Another easier option is to use a private court records research type of service. There are a few companies that exist which archive public records and make them available to the public. The benefit of these sites are that you can search by someone's name to see if a record exists and download them easily online.

Typically these background check type of services are available for a fee, though extremely cheaper than hiring an investigation service to scour for such DWI arrest records. On the same note, most counties charge a fee to send out various public records when requested in person or in writing.

You can obtain copies criminal arrest records by requesting them from the county clerk in the county you wish to obtain records from. You can also go down to the county clerk's office at your local court house and request public records in person. However you need to know that you will only be able to request records that were filed in the county that you are requesting them from.

To access your counties public DWI arrest records, you can search Google for your county's website for their public records office, you will probably have to fill out a form and send it in with a check. You can also search DWI records online or find any public records.

If you decide to use a public records search service online, make sure to use a reliable site with good customer service. Use the site that caters to your specific type of public record information you are looking for and one that can guarantee accuracy and provide refunds if you are unhappy with the service. You will also want to be sure that you check your local state and county site as they may have some sort of online access for ease, however this is not the scenario for most situation and online background check sites may be more accessible at your convenience.

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